"Alice In Wonderland Birthday Party" Printable Theme Section
This section will have nothing but Alice In Wonderland related materials to print for your birthday party. All printables are free and we will be adding more to this section as time goes on. For PERSONAL USE ONLY! Do not add these printables or images to your website. Do not sell these or offer them for free. Free Birthday Party Printables Copyright© All rights reserved.
Some characters for you to incorporate into your Alice In Wonderland Birthday Party Theme would be:
The Mad Hatter
The Queen of Hearts
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
The Cheshire Cat
The King of Hearts
The March Hare
The White Rabbit
Mome Rathes
Singing Flowers
Card Soldiers
Talking Doorknob
Table Decor Ideas:
Drink Me Bottles
Jumbo Tea Cups
Tea Pot
Stuffed DorMouse
Sugar Cubes
Small Plastic Alice In Wonderland Figures
Jumbo Playing Cards
Chess Board
Large Clocks
There is so many ideas and decorations you can do for and Alice In Wonderland Birthday Party theme. You can print out tea cups online and then punch a hole in it and then run some colored ribbon through the hole and hang them all up from the ceiling. You could also print out the characters like The Mad Hatter, The White Rabbit, The Red Queen, Alice, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, The March Hare, The Cheshire Cat, etc and hang them from the ceiling too. Use Extra Large Jumbo playing cards and punch holes in the top on each side and run ribbon through and hang on chairs. Use small playing cards and scatter them on the table or tape them to a large wooden skewer and stick down in a bush of white roses. Paint some of the white roses with red paint. Make a card solder standing next to it with a paintbrush in his hand. Just cut a red heart shape from red construction paper and attach to the top of the small card for the head. Cut some arms and legs out and attach to the card also. Use a large clock and large tea cups for some awesome centerpieces. We made a free printable Alice In Wonderland Card Soldier template. It is pretty big and you can use this for decoration on your door or make a banner out of it. Try stinging some playing cards together to make a fast easy banner to decorate your hall ways or over the door. Make them hang down in straight lines and make several of them to go in the doorway.

Mad Hatter Paper Straws for a Mad Hatter Tea Party at The Iced Sugar Cookie